Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your Emails- 9-17-2008
Pam, I thought that you might like to know that Brother Roots did not perish. Debbie and Sam Smith know Mike and Cindy Slay who lived on Margaret street on the beach side and they spoke to Brother Roots and his wife. We now know for sure that Brother Roots was staying with some friends in Winnie and drove over to Mike and Cindy Slay's house to say "Hello!" He is ALIVE and well as far as we know. I hope this allays your fears. God bless and let's stay connected! Connie Tomerlin GCA"Working Together For A Better Bolivar" 9-17-2008
OMG, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much...tears are streaming down my face here at work....I have worried and worried about him thinking he was in the church and it was washed away and my house was only 5 ft from the church and it is still can't even imagine what is going through my heart right now....thank you, thank you, thank you....and tell them to give Brother Roots a big huge hug for me and let him know I can't wait till we are all back and the church is rebuilt....I can see the future already, me sitting out on my deck and watching each board go up towards the new Gilchrist Baptist church....God Bless...and again, thank you so very, very much Connie....It's going to be a great day, can't wait to tell Warren..... 9-17-2008
I saw on the KHOU forums that your website was posting a list of people from Gilcrest that have been accounted for and are safe.
My information comes from my sister who lives in High Island but attends the 1st Baptist Church in Gilcrest. The Roots are just fine and are staying with friends in Winnie. My sister talked with Sandy briefly on Sunday night. My sister is Sara Barrow and she is here in Fort Worth with us.
Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I have spent many years visiting your area and have many fond memories.
Sharon Epting 9-17-2008
Sharon,Thank you so much for the info. I just learned today that Brother Roots and his wife made it! I am forwarding this email to Pam and Warren Adams (who own the yellow house right next to where the church stood-the famous yellow house still standing in Gilchrist!!). She was worried about the Roots and their safety. Thank you so much. I am adding their name and your sister's name as well. God bless to you and your family! Connie TomerlinGCA"Working Together For A Better Bolivar" 9-17-2008
I grew up in Port Arthur and spent a lot of my childhood in Crystal Beach. My sister in law has a cabin not far from the ferry on the road that the school is on. The name of her cabin is 9 Palms, 1 Shell, 1 Mermaid. Is it still there? I recently spent my 50 birthday there in July. I have family and many friends there. I’m filled with grief of the streaming videos I’m seeing of this wonderful community. I’m crying at my desk and it’s very painful to watch. I’m looking for the Decoux’s of Decoux’s Restaurant. Suzie & Steve and Earl. Has anyone heard from them? Also, my dear friend Reid Duplantis was in the process of opening up Coconuts Restaurant on the island. I know Reid is ok but we don’t know if the restaurant with stood the hurricane. This information would be of comfort to us who are friends. I live in Austin now and would like to sponsor a family, preferably a single mother with children. I’ve personally taken on a donation process through work and home and have new items that I’d like to give to a family. 9-17-2008
My Uncle and Aunt are Bill and Viola Boone who own Rollover RV Park & Cabins located at 1839 Hwy 87. It is at the corner of Hwy 87 and Deen Rd. They along with both of their sons Leonard Boone and Sammy Boone are safe and staying with family (their sister-n-law who is my grandmother) in Livingston. Any information on the house or property would be greatly appreciated. They are just assuming that it is gone. Any good news I can give them will surely help. Thank You, Kristi Dunn

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