Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Please Attend This Vital Rebuilding Meeting on Oct 15th!!! 10/5/2008
Dear Nancy and Connie, Here is the email address for Linda Kay Makin. She is the one who is managing the email list for the group. I received this info from Elvina and Larry Rougeau. They attended the first meeting. Here is a copy of their email to me. Thanks so much!
Pam Shelander

I attended a preliminary meeting for homeowners in Crystal Beach and Bolivar area last week at the Jefferson County Courthouse headed up by Judge Bob Wortham. Are you aware of this group? They are making a concerted effort to dispense information and work on different committees in order to facilitate the process of rebuilding. The next meeting is scheduled for October 15 at the Courthouse in Beaumont. If you would like to receive emails from this group (I don't think they have a name yet), send your name, mailing address, home phone number, cell number, and email address to:Linda Kay Makin at The list of committees include: Information; debris cleanup; water department; Bolivar Energy Committee; economic development; housing; FEMA (negotiations); legislative, insurance, taxing entity, Galveston School Board Committee,etc. Perhaps you can let the others on your email list know about this also. I was not sure who they were and if they were only in Sandy Shores Addition. We will need all the help and information we can get!!!
Elvina and Larry Rougeau
Sandy Shores

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