Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Unidentified Storm Victims--Help Us Identify Them!

lise.olsen@chron.com 10/27/2008
Unidentified storm victims:The ME’s office in Galveston Island cannot identify three people it has found in storm debris – two bodies found on Goat Island three weeks ago and one woman found dead on Pelican Island a month ago. When I talked to the ME’s office last week they told me that everyone with missing relatives or friends from the Bolivar Peninsula should try to locate dental x-rays (or if there are none, medical x-rays) to help with identification. They also need information on next-of-kin for all of the missing in case DNA is needed. Here’s a brief description of the three victims found:-The woman on Goat Island was elderly – perhaps in her 70s with few upper and lower teeth.-The man found there has little or no information for because of the condition of the remains. No age estimate available.-The woman found on Pelican Island was 30-50 years old (estimate) and short – 5” to 5’ 2” approximately. She was wearing a Bally jog bra, sized 34C and a white sock. She had a single webbed toe. She had a surgical scar on her stomach, approximately 7” long. Anyone who thinks this might be one of their friends or relatives, please let me know and I will try to help:
Lise Olsen
Special Projects
The Houston Chronicle

Thursday, October 23, 2008

ATTENTION: Please, Please, Please--If you have a close relative missing, contact officials at the Medical Examiners Office (409-935-9274) and give them samples of DNA so that more victims of Hurricane Ike can be identified!!!

vmarek@project-unity.org 10/23/2008
DNA needed to identify Hurricane Ike victims
08:06 PM CDT on Wednesday, October 22, 2008
CHRIS PASCHENKO / Galveston Daily News
GALVESTON, Texas -- The Galveston County Medical Examiner¹s Office began this week collecting bone samples to identify three victims of Hurricane Ike.
John Florence, a spokesman for the medical examiner, asked immediate family members who believe their relatives are missing from the hurricane to provide DNA samples for comparison.
The medical examiner would take oral swabs from close relatives, such as children, parents or siblings, to provide a DNA match, Florence said.
There were 15 people from Galveston County who died either directly or indirectly from the storm. Authorities have yet to identify two drowning victims, a man and woman found on a Goat Island earlier this month in debris piles. A third unidentified victim found on Pelican Island was a woman believed to be Paula Sue Mercer, but dental records proved otherwise, Florence said.
“We weren’t able to match them, and that’s why we have to rely on DNA,” Florence said.
Bone samples will be sent to the University of North Texas to compare DNA on the oral swabs, Florence said.
Call the Medical Examiner’s office at 409-935-9274 to give a DNA sample.

mbarnes@maritechresources.com 10/23/2008
How would I locate people who witnessed Ike’s destruction of Crystal Beach? Our house at 1983 Patton Beach Rd. off of Gulf Shores Drive was completely destroyed. Since we didn’t have flood insurance; the Ins. Co. says we have to prove that wind or tornadoes destroyed the house or they won’t pay. Do you know any witnesses that would be willing to swear to this?

The only way would be to contact some of the people that we have listed here on our website or our blog. My parents have wind and flood insurance, but so far no one has contacted them either way. Some, if not all of the people that stayed behind in Crystal Beach are fairly traumatized by their own experiences and may not be able to help either. I just hate when insurance companies turn an already devastating situation into and even uglier situation. I hope and pray that you get the help that you need. Our prayers are with you.
Connie Tomerlin
PS: If your insurance company still refuses to pay, then file for FEMA assistance. Do that right away! I believe the number is 1-800-621-FEMA and the website is http://www.fema.gov/assistance/ . Hope this helps!

nightengale14072@yahoo.com 10/22/2008
Hi Connie,I hope that there has been some progress in Bolivar Peninsula's effort to rebuild. I did notice that in the Galveston Daily News that another victim of Ike has been identified: Shane Williams, age 33.http://galvestondailynews.com/story.lasso?ewcd=8a7fd49ad9edeac6There are so many challenges in searching the debris piles. I pray that they will find a way to expedite the process. I can only imagine what the families of the missing are going through.
God Bless,

Chris Stange

Another Hurricane Drowning Victim Identified

vmarek@project-unity.org 10/22/2008

08:49 AM CDT on Wednesday, October 22, 2008
By Chris Paschenko / The Daily News
PORT BOLIVAR — The Galveston County Medical Examiner identified Tuesday the body of a man found in a debris pile deposited on Goat Island by Hurricane Ike.
Shane Williams, 33, of Port Bolivar was identified by the medical examiner by a partial fingerprint, which was obtained by the Sheriff’s Office, said John Florence, a spokesman with the Medical Examiner’s Office. Searchers found Williams’ body in a debris pile Oct. 3, Florence said. Williams had drowned, Florence said. The discovery of Williams’ identity brings the number of unidentified bodies to three, Florence said. The medical examiner may have to rely on dental records or even DNA to identify one woman found on Pelican Island and another man and woman found on Goat Island, Florence said.
Searchers found 15 people who were either in Galveston County or were county residents, who died either directly or indirectly from the storm. It isn’t known how many people stayed on Bolivar Peninsula to brave the storm surge, which inundated homes and businesses in Port Bolivar, Crystal Beach and Gilchrist. Some told amazing stories of how they clung to anything that would float until the surge subsided following the hurricane’s Sept. 13 landfall.
Chambers County Judge Jim Sylvia said one woman was found dead near a debris pile there, but six people were found alive and survived, he said.
Galveston County officials are formulating a search-and-recovery plan to resume picking through debris on the peninsula. Finding equipment and manpower for the job has proved challenge, however, and no restart date has been set. It is believed more bodies are buried in the debris fields of Goat Island, officials have said, based on hits by cadaver dogs before the search teams ceased their initial search phase.
This story is available through KHOU, Ch. 11's partnership with The Galveston County Daily News.

acmanswife@hotmail.com 10/21/2008
add to found:Michael, Dawn Charlie and Cayleigh Anderson (Michael's A/C)Crystal BeachEvacuated to Winnie, TX acmanswife@hotmail.com google: mike anderson hurricane ike Also Gina Walker, Robert Walker, Cali Sudseth, Gayle Walker and Dirk Sudseth are all okay and in Port Neches confirmed by Dawn Anderson (am on the phone with Gina daily) Thanks for the lists. A lot more missing than the 20 reported in the news. Love to all and God Bless

vmarek@project-unity.org 10/21/2008
Found this entry on the Channel 13 missing person locator. I don't know who is in the Malcom Comeaux family, but it appears they are alive and safe!

Posted by: Barbara Daniels Jordan October 06, 2008 at 07:33 PM
I want to thank Malcolm Comeaux for giving me a call to let me know he and his family are okay, as well as, the Cripps famiy, and Curtis and William Maxey. You have made my day to know all of you are okay.

Monday, October 20, 2008

kdandsmmain@yahoo.com 10/20/2008

To whom it concerns: I have checked all the places I could to see if there is a Shirley Bellar, address is:1320 7th Street, P.O. Box 345, Port Bolivar. She lived in a park model trailer and recently lost her husband, doesn't drive much and is at odds with her 2 brothers, one I think lives in Sabine Pass. She really doesn't have anyone that checks on her. We have no idea if she left or decided to stay. Is there a way to see if she can be found????? We try to keep in touch with her occasionally but wasn't able to during the storm. If anyone hears please let us know. Our phone # is 409-771-3146 in the event that is easier or will continue to check the web sites for her name.
The Main's

Ken & Shirl

Thank you for the information--will add his name to our Missing List until we hear from someone that he is "Found." I will post your email to our blog right away. God bless!
Connie Tomerlin

hr300ffemt@hughes.net 10/20/2008
Thank you so much. Often a few of our guys go to Crystal Beach to help David Loop and the C.B.V.F.D during major events. Daniel Farrish is from the area and I am from Houston. I spent alot of my childhood at Crystal Beach and around Fort Travis. I was just there on the beach in July. My heart is broke and saddened for your and the communities loss. I hope we may return to help in the rebuilding process. I was glad to see that Fort Travis stood it's ground and that the lighthouse is still a beacon of hope. God bless and keep you all.
Always and Forever,
Donna Smith

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 15th Meeting Recorded!

My husband and I went to the meeting Wednesday night at the Jefferson County Courthouse for the Restore Bolivar Peninsula. There were approximately 700 people in and out of the room anxiously awaiting news and information on the status of when and how we can start to rebuild and restore our homes and businesses. Most of this information will be uploaded to the Restore Bolivar Peninsula website. We have uploaded what we were able to record (most of the meeting). We missed the first few minutes as we had to make our way to get closer to the speaker for recording and also about a minute was lost when we switched out batteries between Part 1 and Part 2.

October 15th Meeting Part 1
(Reports from Entergy, Pat Doyle, BPSUD, TxDot and Judge Yarbrough)

October 15th Meeting Part 2
(Reports from FEMA, GLO, Mike Fitzgerald, Health District and the Core of Engineers)

Connie Tomerlin
Gilchrist Community Association

Your Emails 10/16/2008

hr300ffemt@hughes.net 10/16/2008
I am not sure he is missing but I don't see his name on any of the lists. I am looking for Kevin Freeman aka Porkchop from Lincoln Co. Brookhaven MS. He is a friend and a former firefighter/EMT. He and his family lived on Crystal Beach and he worked at the Galveston hospital. He may have been working during the storm. He graduated from Enterprise High School in MS. I am almost sure he would have tried to stay and I am almost 100% positive his house is gone. Please let the firefighters at Heuck's Retreat Volunteer Fire Department in Lincoln county know. He also has family that lives here. Please send an email to daniel.farrish@msdh.state.ms.us or donna.smith@msdh.state.ms.us .
Thank you,
Donna and Scott (H.R.F.D.)

bhuston@mail.uh.edu 10/16/2008
I am trying to locate the following people:
Monroe D. Kahla,- Crystal Beach, sister Sissy - High Island
Leslie D. Kahla (may be deceased)
Franklin L. (Butch) Kahla
Cotton Guidry and sister Jane ( don't know married names
Rose Marie Kahla daughter of Vic Kahla.
Thanks Barbara Huston
281-481-6449 after 6:00 p.m.

pressangler@jas.net 10/16/2008
could you please make contact with brother L.C Roots or a member of the Gilcrist Baptist Church to find out if they're going to hold church services this sunday and if so where and at what time- i would deeply appreciate your help-- ed snyder/409-698-2790

I just spoke with Brother Roots at the Stowell Post Office not more than an hour ago. He has been trying to make contact with some of his congregation. He has our phone number, but we do not have his. He is suppose to contact us within a few days. I am so sorry that I did not see this email before I saw him. I called Mike Slay and he is going to give me Brother Roots' phone number when he gets back home. I will email it to you then. God bless! :)

Connie Tomerlin

bhuston@mail.uh.edu 10/16/2008
thank you very very much-- i much appreciate your response--i went to rollover pass monday and was disheartened at what i saw- but then i saw the cross they put up where the church once was and then i knew everything was going to be alright-- Gilchrist will be rising from the dust of Ike-- may God Bless you and what you are doing-- ed snyder

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here is a great site for pics and insight from the perspective of a Texas Parks & Wildlife Dpt. employee...THANKS Aaron! :)

aaronramon@gmail.com 10/12/2008
I've been following the updates on your ikeatbolivar blog. Thought you might be interested in seeing some of the photos and comments here: http://hurricaneikebolivar.shutterfly.com/.
Best wishes,

bobwalcutt@lrcf.net 10/15/2008
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: baizes@go.com
Beckie Boudloche is listed as missing on the Rollover Pass website. She isnot missing, she and her husband Clifton were evacuated by helicopter themorning Ike made landfall. They were evacuated to a shelter San Antonio and got a ride to a shelter in Houston. I picked them up and took them to Galveston and they are staying in a motel, save and sound.

hdcatlady57@yahoo.com 10/15/2008
I did not know where to send this e-mail, and found your website. Hopefully you might have information on the owners of the Reynolds Cabins there at Rollover. Her name is Debbie, I never knew what her last name was. We were there at the end of August, and I have tried to get in contact with her with the phone numbers that I had. I tried to call again yesterday but both numbers were disconnected. Hopefully you might have some good news about her. Thanks so much and God Bless everyone there.
Cathy Head
Splendor, Texas

Debbie "Reynolds" is my sister! :) My mom and dad owned Reynolds Retreat Cabin Rentals and Shells N'More Gift shop. We are ALL fine but, of course, the cabins, shop and all of our homes are gone, but we made it out safe and sound. Thank you for asking. Debbie is in Arkansas with my other sister. You can reach her at
reynoldsretreat@gmail.com . God bless!

Connie Tomerlin

Sherry Johnson 10/14/2008
YEAH!!! We got porta potties !!!

Porta-pot Locations:
HWY87 @ Boyt Rd (2)HWY87 @ Ranch RdHWY87 @ Waterways Dr (2)HWY87 @ Crystal Beach Rd (2)Joe Faggard Building (2)HWY87 @ Canal StHWY87 @ Mary Ann StHWY87 @ Kenlyn StHWY87 @ Stingaree Rd (2)HWY87 @ Sea BreezeHWY87 @ N TunaHWY87 @ Caplen ShoresHWY87 @ GordonHWY87 @ Yacht Basin RdHWY87 @ Rollover CircleHWY87 @ Faggard's Slip RdHWY87 @ Gulf View--
Stephanie Johnson

sherri.jeakins.ak5d@statefarm.com 10/14/2008
I had just found your website the other day. I would like to add my parents to the list of people that are safe and well.
Richard and Sharon Fleer Crystal Beach, Texas
Evacuated to Lindsay, OK on September 12, 2008. They will be residing there until they have received word that they can go back to proceed with cleaning up. They have made one trip down there to see their house but are waiting for power/water before going back.
Thanks, Sherri Jeakins Daughter Bloomington, IL

Lord, help me become the person my dog thinks I am.
Dawn Ewing

Kelly Carraway 10/14/2008
Todd Kahla from Port Bolivar is apparently not missing… through ‘networking’ with some of my former High Island classmates, one of my friends informed me that she had seen Todd working at his job on the Bolivar Ferry numerous times since the storm. Just thought I’d let you know.
Kelly Caraway/Beaumont TX.

cajunl@verizon.net 10/12/2008
I am still looking for Jerry Wayne. (not sure of his last name)I have known him for over 20 years and that is the only name I know him by. He is skinny sandy blonde hair about 55 yrs old. Drove a purple car (newer). Lived in a travel trailer on bay side before rollover pass. I live in Baytown and would love to know if anyone has any news on Jerry Wayne.
Thanks and God Bless.

Christy cajunl@verizon.net

Mike4898@hotmail.com 10/13/2008
connie i just heard about tugboat from your dad. regarding the missing person list- william comeaux constable is crab joes nephew and he is ok. harold norris is mgr of big store and i talked to him sunday-he is ok in winnie. at this time i plan to make wed meeting at jeff county court house. thanks, mike

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sign Up for the "Beach Out and Help Someone" set for October 18, 2008...

sjohnson.rwr@gmail.com 10/11/2008
"Beach Out and Help Someone", the first coordinated clean-up event for Bolivar Peninsula, has been scheduled for Saturday, October 18. District Judge Bob Wortham (Jefferson County) was able to obtain verbal approval from Galveston County Judge, Jim Yarbrough for this event to take place. Judge Wortham indicated that Judge Yarbrough will allow volunteers to enter the peninsula without proof of property ownership. We are asking that those interested in volunteering visit www.rebuildbolivar.com or send an email to bolivarpeninsula@gmail.com for more information. Please be patient as we work to update the website with all of the necessary details and information. Additional clean-up days are being planned so there will be multiple volunteer opportunities available. Please also visit www.restorebolivar.com for additional information. -- Stephanie Johnson281-681-4207 Direct281-610-2579 CellE-mail : bolivarpeninsula@gmail.com-- Stephanie Johnson, CPCExecutive Search Manager
2203 Timberloch, Suite 250The Woodlands,Texas 77380281-681-4207 Direct800-364-7979 ext 7275281-610-2579 CellE-mail : sjohnson@rwr.comPersonal: sjohnson.rwr@gmail.com

Three Weeks After Ike...Recovery Efforts Grim

tedhirtz@wt.net 10/11/2008
Can you help me locate and make contact with L. C. Root, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Gilchrist?
Ted Hirtz

shipsofheaven2@aol.com 10/11/2008
My name is Dustin Haubois my father is on this list Harry Bingham he has been missing since the storm . Could you please add my information to the list for anyone to contact me. I live in Louisiana I have been to Crystal Beach where my Dad lives I was also but on the News searching for him. I have not heard anything yet .Thank You So Much.
Dustin Haubois (Son) (985)860-8261 or (985)228-0964
You can reply to this email shipsofheaven2@aol.com

I am so sorry--I will add your father's name to our prayers list. I am also posting your email to our website in the hopes that someone will see it and maybe post information. God bless you and your precious family during this difficult time in your lives!
Connie Tomerlin

nightengale14072@yahoo.com 10/10/2008
First, I wish to express my deep sadness with regard to the detestation that Ike left on Bolivar Peninsula. We had planned on traveling to Crystal Beach for vacation. I cannot believe the adversity that the community has suffered as a result of this storm. News of the recovery has been sparse. In my search to find out information, I found this article and see that two of the alleged storms victims are not included on the missing list. Please see reference to Dolores Brookshire and Charles Allen Garrett in the article:
Although I have no personal ties to Bolivar, I seem to share a sense of loss with all that called it home. We will postpone our trip to the Island ... will give it time to heal and then come for a visit. You should be commended for your efforts in keeping track of the missing and honoring the dead. The remainder of the online news sources seem to have swept that under the carpet ... difficult to understand. Bless you for your work.
Chris Stange

Grand Island, NY

Thank you so much for the sweet words. Everyone is still reeling from the shock down here. I still think my house is right where I left it with all of my personal belongings still there. But those are just "things." There are SO many people still looking to find out what happened to their loved ones. My family is VERY blessed that we know where we all are (scattered across the country, maybe, but at least we know!). Keep on watching the site as I try to update at least every other day if not daily. God bless!
Connie Tomerlin

vmarek@project-unity.org 10/9/2008

Here is another article you may want to post. It includes many stories of those still missing on the Bolivar Peninsula. It helps put a "face" with a name. I also noted that in the article Delores (Rose) Brookshire (72) and Charles Allen Garrett (42), both from Port Bolivar, are not on the missing list or the survivors list. I would assume they are still missing and need to be placed on the list since the LRC still has them on their missing list. I am processing more people here today in Bryan - maybe soon I will come up with some more survivors for you! Vanessa MarekProject Unity(979) 595-2900

Three Weeks After Storm, A Grim Recovery Task... NY Times 10/9/2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Do You Recognize The Names Of Any Of These Missing People?

lise.olsen@chron.com 10/9/2008

Connie - thanks for the info. These are the cases about which I have few details and no relatives to contact. Lise

Beck, John 75 Port Bolivar
Cook, John James 60 Crystal Beach (Owned a home at 850 Tinkle Lane in Crystal Beach)
Duke, Ronnie 57 Crystal Beach (Last known address 847 Sea Spray Dr., Port Bolivar)
Garza, Charles 42 Port Boliver
Goodwin, Cindy 50 Crystal Beach
Heitland, Alice 50 Port Bolivar (2109 Lilly Ln, Port Bolivar)
Kirkpatrick, Mike 68 Crystal Beach (Mike & Ollie lived at 942 Surfview in Crystal Beach 409- 684-6681)
Manley, Jerry 55 Gilchrist
Neal, Thomas Clayton 52 Crystal Beach
Roberts, Joe Wayne 50 Port Bolivar (1305 18th St., Port Bolivar TX 409-684-1016
Sampson, Reagan 60 Port Bolivar
Woods, Christopher 42 Crystal Beach

We Welcome & NEED Your Help To Keep Accurate Records...

10/8/2008 The Galveston County Daily News article has been sent to you by <vmarek@project-unity.org>
I have been cross-referencing names of missing with people we have serve in the Bryan/College Station area. There is another Gilcrest person on this list as deceased that I do not see as missing. Hope this is helpful.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
County's 15th Ike victim found
PORT BOLIVAR — Search crews found the body of another unidentified Hurricane Ike victim Monday night on Goat Island.
Published October 8, 2008
Address of original story:

Thank you so very much--this is very helpful. The only way this website will work is if we get and stay connected with our community so that we can post the correct information. Thanks again SO VERY MUCH and God bless! :) Connie Tomerlin

vmarek@project-unity.org 10/9/2008
And thank you very much for your help in maintaining this list. Although I was not a resident, my family has spent LOTS of time on Galveston and Bolivar. This is very personal to all of us. We want to help in any way possible. Is there anything else we can do from here to help? I haven’t been able to match up any names with the missing so far, but we keep running into more and more evacuees each and every day who have gotten lost in the system. Maybe we’ll eventually find someone who was “lost”!

rreider@comcast.net 10/7/2008
Connie - No doubt you are busier than a one arm paperhanger however, just want to thank you for replying to my earlier email on the Comeauxs. I don't know if the folks I'm looking for and the Constable are related however, with all the Acadians with the Comeaux name there could be a distant relationship possibility. For what it's worth, yesterday I saw a posting on the ABC13.Com Bolivar Person locator where another individual was also looking for information on Joe Comeaux and his wife Sylvia. It would be great to hear that all the Comeauxs have been located safe and sound; here's praying for that. Thanks for all your hard work.
Russ Reider

PS: For what it's worth - I saw a posting on ABC13.Com dated 10/6 at 7:33 that Malcolm Comeaux had called someone and that the Cripps family and Curtis & Wm. Maxey were accounted for. I can't personally verify the info. but wanted to be sure you were aware of it.

Russ,I know that Sylvia is OK, because Mike Gross of the GCA and Gilchrist, TX spoke to her this past weekend. She, Joe and their sons are OK. I will forward that email to you. Thanks so much for your help and this website is only possible and accurate through everyone else's help--I appreciate ALL of you so much and do this to help our wonderful Bolivar Peninsula! God bless... Connie Tomerlin

Connie - Thank you very much for the good news on Sylvia, Joe and their family; now if we can only hear about Curtis Comeaux and his family. Also, thank you very much for your time and effort in maintaining the Rollovertexas website and for the fine job you are doing. Blessings to you------------- Russ Reider

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Missing People--Please Contact Their Loved Ones If You Have Info...

Carole Hamady Missing--I have heard nothing about Carole, nor from her, since I called on Thurs. before the storm. The woman who answered said they were riding it out. No one seems to know anything. She ran Out-By-The Sea B&B at 2134 Vista St. in Boliver. Her house was second from the street off the lagoon in the middle of the island, about 2 blocks from the beach. Most of the houses on her side of the main street were new, with the houses on the other side being old. The phone numbers on her website are 409-684-1555 and 888-522-5926. None of them answer. Her photo is on the website, outbytheseab&b.com, but I have no idea how to upload it. I do not know what her friends name is.

Port Bolivar missing persons to add--

Cutris and Debbie Comeaux and their 3 kidsJoe and Laverne RobertsBubba Roberts and his wife and 3 kidsMarcus and Telisa ComeauxSkip Rohatchet (mom)Cindy Rohatchet (daughter)
keep up the good workIf you need something let me know, I own web servers across the country

Anonymous 10/6/2008

I am so sad to hear about Gail and Reba. God love them they are together in a better place...bless them both esp. Gail for loving animals and her carved out place in this world cannot be filled.


I have a friend who is concerned about Harold Norris from Gulf Coast Market. I do not see his name on either list. Could you add him and hopefully someone has information that I can pass on. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date.

Cathy Johnson

Larry and Mary Rogers are in Houston, Texas with family member. They doing okay.

I know that Steve Hendricks and Steve, the crippled man who was well known for taking beautiful bird pictures and drove all over the beach in a little golf cart, are both safe. Steve Hendricks boarded up my house on Thursday morning for me and these two left the island together - Mr. Hendricks is about to start another job with my dad, so I thought I would let you know. Thanks,

Karen Stanfield

Emerald II

Find Your Missing Items or Post Pics of Items You Have Found!

SRKAY96@aol.com 10/5/2008
Hi,I live south of Dallas and have family at Crystal Beach. I have been torn over the devastation and it is just heartbreaking. My dad lives in sandy shores, and has only a slab left. My aunt and uncle, lives in Sandy shores also and does have their cabin, but the wall blew out and full of mud. Its also pretty much ruint. My dad has only found 3 items in his neighborhood that are his. Sandy Shores was his only home and it just breaks my heart that the little things they left behind are somewhere and might be found someday. I have not seen a website that is dedicated to lost and found items at the beach. I work for our county and my neighbor works for another county and is their IT manager. He gave up his house for a few weeks during Gustav and Ike for my family to stay. He created this website in hopes that the owners can locate their belongings or be able to return someone else property. I visit your site daily and would appreciate if you could add this link. It is on crystalbeach.com & rebuildbolivar.comThank you very much and God Bless the beach and its people.Shelly Kay http://lostinike.blogspot.com

This email has been deleted 10/5/2008

carolyn-simpson@comcast.net 10/5/2008
My dad, Larry Rhoden, lived on Selwyn in Crystal Beach. His cabin is gone, but he is staying with us in Pearland. Our home phone is 281 489-6636 or this email is fine for contact.
Carolyn Simpson"These things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day." Habakkuk 2:3 LB

sjohnson.rwr@gmail.com 10/5/2008
I am forwarding this email to everyone I can. Please help by using your resources to spread the word and make something happen.

This email is just a rough draft of an idea. Cheryll Moreau just called me. Most of you may have already heard about the "Mid-County Kindness". 30,0000 people! showed up in Bridge City to help clean up. They were from Port Arthur, Nederland, Port Neches, Groves. There were people helping clean up debris, moving furniture, schools made food and passed to workers, Red Cross had hot meals, companies were cooking on Main Street to feed people, people were passing out water to hot workers. This is how we "pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off". I have read countless blogs from people all over (not property owners) but people who have made memories through the years on Bolivar Peninsula. Those blogs are filled with people offering to help in some way. There are some residents of Crystal Beach without the means to clean up and restore. There are people out there now with signs to do the work. Work with a pricetag. We need that too, of course, and there are some who can pay the price. FEMA will pick up the debri (in time) from the side of the road. We don't need it to be carried off. But we do need to pick up the debris scattered on our property and our neighbor's property and stack it on the side of the road. To my Tidlelands Neighbors, pass this around to everyone you know in Tidelands. Because all though I am reaching some of you, I am not reaching all. Let's set a date and get together. Let's all pitch in and clean up Tidelands, Mama T's too! Swede's, Church of Christ, Sherman's. We need to put a Tidelands sign up at 87. I suggest we put blogs up on every site, crystalbeachnews.com,restorebolivar.com, bringbackbolivar.com, jake abby, madnonnie, and anything else any of you can think about. Let's get something on the news. I need help to make this happen. But, I am in and so is Cheryll Moreau. Here's what we need; 30,000 people showing kindness to Crystal Beach! We need heavy equipment, hands, people cooking, everything! Let's start in Tidelands! Please pass this on so we can reach as many people as possible. Please reply back with suggestions. I want to share a story a co-worker just told me... It goes something like this.... A grandfather was walking down the beach with his young grandson. They notices thousands of starfish that had become stranded on the beach. The young boy began picking them up, one by one, and throwing them back into the ocean. The grandfather looked at his grandson and said, "Son, there are too many. You can't possibly save them all". But granddad, he said as he picked one up and threw it into the ocean, "I made all the difference in the world to that one".
-- Stephanie Johnson, CPCExecutive Search Manager
2203 Timberloch, Suite 250
The Woodlands,Texas 77380
281-681-4207 Direct
800-364-7979 ext 7275
281-610-2579 Cell
E-mail : sjohnson@rwr.comPersonal: sjohnson.rwr@gmail.com

Please Attend This Vital Rebuilding Meeting on Oct 15th!!!

pabs4@gt.rr.com 10/5/2008
Dear Nancy and Connie, Here is the email address for Linda Kay Makin. She is the one who is managing the email list for the group. lkmakin@aol.com I received this info from Elvina and Larry Rougeau. They attended the first meeting. Here is a copy of their email to me. Thanks so much!
Pam Shelander

I attended a preliminary meeting for homeowners in Crystal Beach and Bolivar area last week at the Jefferson County Courthouse headed up by Judge Bob Wortham. Are you aware of this group? They are making a concerted effort to dispense information and work on different committees in order to facilitate the process of rebuilding. The next meeting is scheduled for October 15 at the Courthouse in Beaumont. If you would like to receive emails from this group (I don't think they have a name yet), send your name, mailing address, home phone number, cell number, and email address to:Linda Kay Makin at lkmakin@aol.com. The list of committees include: Information; debris cleanup; water department; Bolivar Energy Committee; economic development; housing; FEMA (negotiations); legislative, insurance, taxing entity, Galveston School Board Committee,etc. Perhaps you can let the others on your email list know about this also. I was not sure who they were and if they were only in Sandy Shores Addition. We will need all the help and information we can get!!!
Elvina and Larry Rougeau
Sandy Shores

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Recovery Efforts Made on Bolivar & Goat Island

jc2wagner@gmail.com 10/3/2008
My friends with Cen-Tex Search and Rescue are searching on Bolivar...finally. Some were at Crystal Beach yesterday. More are going down today & the plan is for them to help search Goat Island. I do know that these people and their dogs are highly trained. Don't know anymore specifics about the searches..
Judy Reynolds
LMB Holdings Inc

nbachman@ptd.net 10/3/2008
To say that I am pretty obsessed with finding/reading anything about the Peninsula is an understatement. But anyway, I view the GCA site several times a day along with many others. I wanted to mention that Ronnie Lee is on the missing list, however, when Beckie Greys gave you names she included Ronnie Lee Dennison, which is Ronnie Lee. So you may want to correct that. On 9/14/08, I was on a forum of KHOU's and I received an email from the son in law of Johnney Becker from Gilchrist saying Johnney is safe in Houston. ( I don't know who Mr. Becker is, but you may want to add him to the survivors list.) Lastly, I have heard from several TX folks that there is a meeting scheduled at the Beaumont courthouse for 10/15/08 10 AM, either for the homeowners and business owners of the Peninsula and/or Gilchrist. Do you have any confirmation on this? If you do can you post it? I made a phone call to TX yesterday and I beleive it has to do with the rebuild bolivar website. The secretary I spoke to stated that an email was sent out to about 300 people, but I guess was not linked to it. If you can check that would be great as we are planning to return to TX by the 15th of October. Thanks again for your help and information.
Nancy J Bachman
Tavern by the Pass - Gilchrist TX
cell # 484-560-9323

Thanks so very much for the correction--it is very difficult to keep up with and I NEED everyone's help to make sure we have the correct information! I have not heard about the meeting, but I will do what I can to find out about it and post anything I find. Take care and God bless!
Connie Tomerlin

kevin2277@sbcglobal.net 10/3/2008
Could you please add to your missing list or let me know if you have heard anything about them, their names are Raymond George (Ray) & Rosie Ruth Rozelle they lived at 982 Kirks Gilchrist Texas.From their friends and neighbors on Mae St. and the Gilchrist and Crystal Beach community. Thank you, Kevin Draughon977 Mae St.Gilchrist, TX
Kevin Draughon832-661-7359 Cell281-970-7424 Home

Thursday, October 2, 2008

More Missing People--Do You Have Any Info?

Lise.Olsen@chron.com 10/2/2008
Hello – Your website information is great. Can you please call me? I’m trying to write about the Bolivar missing persons.Lise

kevin2277@sbcglobal.net 10/2/2008
Could you please add to your missing list or let me know if you have heard anything about them, their names are Raymond George (Ray) & Rosie Ruth Rozelle they lived at 982 Kirks Gilchrist Texas.From their friends and neighbors on Mae St. and the Gilchrist and Crystal Beach community. Thank you, Kevin Draughon977 Mae St.Gilchrist, TX
Kevin Draughon832-661-7359 Cell281-970-7424 Home

pabs4@gt.rr.com 10/2/2008
Dear Connie, I wanted to make sure you received the second email I sent yesterday. I drove to the beach yesterday morning and found people working at Coconuts. My brother finally checked in with us. Thank you so much! I truly hope the others who are missing loved ones have the same outcome we did. Pam Shelander

rreider@comcast.net 10/2/2008
I don't know if this is the right way to go about it but I've been looking for the names of some families who lived in Port Bolivar and am wondering if you or someone else may have heard something about them. Joe Comeaux(crabber and bait shop) and his wife lived on Nelson; His son Delano and his family lived right behind him although his home may have been on Madison; and Curtis Comeaux (crabber & soft crab person) and his family who also lived on Madison. I hope and pray they all got out safe but sure would like to know so as to be certain and perhaps be able to contact them. Sorry to bother you because I know you have a lot more important things going on but if you get a chance please get back to me. Our prayers are for all you folks on Bolivar, Russ Reider - Houston, Texas PS: My son has 2 lots in Caplen Shores but fortunately he had not as yet started building. I guess we can be thankful for that.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Gilchrist Man is Identified--PeeWee Moseley...

I am sorry to report that PeeWee has been identified as the body found on Goat Island. This was listed as on the KHOU website this morning.PeeWee was a great man who was always smiling and willing to lend a helpinghand. My heart goes out to his mother Norma and his brothers. I have attached a great picture of PeeWee for you to post. He loved to sing karaoke and I will always remember him singing his favorite song - Remember When - PeeWee we will always Remember When.....thanks for entertaining all of us at the tavern! Thanks for providing us with this link to missing/found persons. Nancy Bachman & RickTavern by the PassGilchrist - currently staying in Pennsylvania

I have been using your http://www.rolloverpasstexas.com/ site to assist us in having updated records for the Galveston Police as they have asked us to take calls on missing persons for their department. Your site has been very useful, but I was wondering if you could add our link to your site as to encourage folks see if they might be able to help us locate our list of almost 400 still missing. The site is http://www.lrcf.org/ and on the left side a link to IKE missing. We are very happy to see that so many folks are alive and well. Thanks, Terry Arnold volunteer, LRCF281-482-5723

Of course, I will add your link. In fact, I would be happy to add it to our Home Page so that our older, more computer-handicapped folks ("like me") :) can see it. Thanks so much and we appreciate what a great job you guys are doing! God bless to you all! :)

Connie Tomerlin
GCA Webmaster

I noticed that Ronnie Duke of Crystal Beach is not on your list. Does anyone know Ronnie or have information on him?--Dawn Davis Sr. Case ManagerLAURA RECOVERY CENTER906 Anna Lane Friendswood, TX 77546Toll Free Phone : 866-898-5723Phone : 281-482-LRCF(5723)Toll Free Fax : 888-268-0573Fax : 281-482-5727info@LRCF.NETA Non-Profit 501(c)3 Organization

pabs4@gt.rr.com 10/1/2008

I appreciate all you are doing. We had two homes in Crystal beach and they are both gone. My older half brother was supposedly working at Jose's Cantina and living at Crystal Beach. We don't know if he evacuated or not. We aren't even sure he was still living at the beach. He normally phones our father every 2 weeks or so and our dad has not heard from him. The cell phone number we have for him goes straight to his voicemail and several family members have left messages for him but, no response. My brother's name is Randall (Randy) Eugene Broussard. He is heavy set and bald and has bright blue eyes. He has pronounced dimples when he grins. I don't have a current picture of him. He is a Vietnam vet but, probably doesn't talk about it much. I have been trying to get the contact info for Jose' but, have been unsuccessful. I would appreciate any help you might be able to give us. My thoughts and prayers are with all of us affected by Ike. Even after seeing it with my own eyes, I am having difficulty processing it.

Thank you,
Pam Shelander

I had a place on head hunter, I live over 2 hours away and am hearing that the gov may buy land owners out, that we may not be able to rebuild ect........ any web site that has the real information? that you know of? I know fema is not offering any assistance unless it was your primary household. My sewer replacement alone will probly be 8 to 10 thousand dollars alone, thats twice more than the market value of my lot!

I have heard SO MANY rumors and really I don't have anything confirmed about what they are going to let us do or not do on the peninsula. I DO know that many people are in our corner and wanting to raise funds to help us rebuild. You can check out
www.crystabeachlocalnews.com and also, www.crystalbeach.com plus, www.rebuildbolivar.com . There are many people working together to get our community rebuilt. Hope this helps you! God bless...

Connie Tomerlin
GCA Webmaster